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조기낙엽에 따른 참다래 착과 유목의 당년 재발아와 익년 초기생장 Regrowth of Axillary Buds the Current Season and Early Growth and Development the Following Year in Fruiting Young Kiwifruit as Affected by Early Defoliation
  • 비영리 CC BY-NC
  • 비영리 CC BY-NC
조기낙엽에 따른 참다래 착과 유목의 당년 재발아와 익년 초기생장

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the unexpected early loss of leaves on a newly-bred kiwifruit on the regrowth of axillary buds the current season and the early growth and development the following year.


The vines were defoliated on Jul. 18, Aug. 16, and Sep. 17 in 2012 and on Jul. 16, Aug. 13, and Sep. 12 in 2013. The vines were defoliated 0 (control), 50, and 100% of the total number of leaves on a vine. The regrowth of axillary buds at 30 days after defoliation increased in proportion to defoliation degrees regardless of the defoliated time. Defoliation the previous season did not influence percent budbreak the next season. Percentage of floral shoots of the control vines was 27.4%, each bearing 2-3 flowers. In those vines defoliated 100% in August and September, however, percent floral shoots and number of flowers significantly reduced.


Defoliation in July, August, and September didnot affect percent budbreak the following year regardless of degrees of defoliation. A 100% defoliation in August and September significantly reduced flowering the following year compared to the control; that in August resulted in no floral buds at all.

Budbreak , Defoliation , Floral shoot , Kiwifruit
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이미지 / 테이블
  • [ Fig. 1. ]  Axillary bud regrowth of a young, fruiting ‘Goldrush’ kiwifruit the current season as affected by different degrees of defoliation in July through September in 2012 and 2013. The vines were defoliated 0, 50, and 100% on each date. Percent regrowth, measured on 30 days after defoliation, was calculated with the number of buds regrown out of the total number of axillary buds per vine. Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means, and letters express differences among defoliation degrees (the Duncan test, P≤0.05).
    Axillary bud regrowth of a young, fruiting ‘Goldrush’ kiwifruit the current season as affected by different degrees of defoliation in July through September in 2012 and 2013. The vines were defoliated 0, 50, and 100% on each date. Percent regrowth, measured on 30 days after defoliation, was calculated with the number of buds regrown out of the total number of axillary buds per vine. Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means, and letters express differences among defoliation degrees (the Duncan test, P≤0.05).
  • [ Fig. 2. ]  Budbreak of a young, fruiting ‘Goldrush’ kiwifruit the following spring as affected by defoliation treatments of the previous year. The vines were defoliated 0, 50, and 100% in 2012 and 2013. Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means, and letters express differences among defoliation degrees (the Duncan test, P≤0.05).
    Budbreak of a young, fruiting ‘Goldrush’ kiwifruit the following spring as affected by defoliation treatments of the previous year. The vines were defoliated 0, 50, and 100% in 2012 and 2013. Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means, and letters express differences among defoliation degrees (the Duncan test, P≤0.05).
  • [ Fig. 3. ]  Flowering of a young, fruiting ‘Goldrush’ kiwifruit the following spring as affected by defoliation treatments of the previous year.The vines were defoliated 0, 50, and 100% on each date in 2012. A, percent floral shoot is the number of shoots with flowers out of the total number of shoots grown per vine. B, flower number is the number of flowers per floral shoot. Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means of five replications, and letters express differences among defoliation degrees (the Duncan test, P≤0.05).
    Flowering of a young, fruiting ‘Goldrush’ kiwifruit the following spring as affected by defoliation treatments of the previous year.The vines were defoliated 0, 50, and 100% on each date in 2012. A, percent floral shoot is the number of shoots with flowers out of the total number of shoots grown per vine. B, flower number is the number of flowers per floral shoot. Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means of five replications, and letters express differences among defoliation degrees (the Duncan test, P≤0.05).
  • [ Fig. 4. ]  Vegetative growth of a young, fruiting ‘Goldrush’ kiwifruit, measured 30 days after budbreak the following year as affected by defoliation treatments of the previous year. The vines were defoliated 0, 50, and 100% on each date in 2013. Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means of five replications, and letters express differences among defoliation degrees (the Duncan test, P≤0.05).
    Vegetative growth of a young, fruiting ‘Goldrush’ kiwifruit, measured 30 days after budbreak the following year as affected by defoliation treatments of the previous year. The vines were defoliated 0, 50, and 100% on each date in 2013. Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means of five replications, and letters express differences among defoliation degrees (the Duncan test, P≤0.05).
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