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A Case Study Using Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) in a Patient with Cartilage Loss and Micro cartilage Tears 세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 연골소실 및 미세연골 파열 환자 사례 연구

: A case report on the improvement of cartilage loss and micro cartilage tearing


: The patient is a Korean male aged 64 years. The patient has a history of erosive arthritis. Nutritional therapy administered.


: QoL improved following nutritional therapy.


: Patients with cartilage loss and micro cartilage tear may benefit from nutrition therapy.

Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) , cartilage loss , micro cartilage tearing
  • Introduction

    Knee osteoarthritis is one of the diseases whose prevalence increases with age. Age, weight, and joint trauma, particularly from repetitive squatting and kneeling, are common risk factors for knee osteoarthritis.1 In particular, the presence of erosive arthritis (inflammatory arthritis) in this patient appears to have been a risk factor for cartilage loss.

    Compared to healthy controls, patients with lower limb osteoarthritis exhibit decreased mobility and daily living function, as well as significantly lower QoL (Quality of Life).

    A 64-year-old male patient was diagnosed with cartilage loss, micro cartilage tearing and erosive arthritis.

    Through this case, we hope to demonstrate the success of nutritional therapy for such a patient.


       1. Subject

    Included in the study was one patient diagnosed with cartilage loss and micro cartilage tear.

    1) Name: Kim O (M/64)   2) Diagnosis: Loss of cartilage on MRI, including rupture of micro cartilage (OO Hospital (OOOOOO Partner Hospital))   3) Onset date: June 23, 2022  4) Treatment period: June 25, 2022 to present  5) Major symptoms: Knee pain, walking discomfort, lameness when walking 6) Past history: Erosive arthritis   7) Social History: No cigarette or alcohol use.   8) Family History: Hypertension  9) Present illness and medication: Glaucoma, hypertension, erosive arthritis medication

       2. Method

    The patient with erosive arthritis was diagnosed with cartilage loss and micro cartilage rupture via MRI on June 23, 2022, while taking related medications. The hospital suggested stem cell surgery, but he hesitated due to having an acquaintance who had been treated for a year but had not improved.

    From June 25, 2022, nutritional therapy was performed with Collaplex 101, Sulfoplex PK 404, and Stemplex 111.


    The patient felt that she no longer walked with a limp when she got out of a car approximately 50 days after starting nutritional therapy. She typically walked with a pigeon-toed gait, but after four months of taking the medication, she walked normally and 98% of her pain disappeared. Now, in the seventh month of treatment, the knee pain that occurred after approximately an hour of walking has completely vanished (Table.1). Currently, the maintenance therapy is reduced to Sulfoplex PK 202, Collaplex 100, and Stemplex 100, the nutritional therapy has been modified, and the patient does not self-administer erosive arthritis medication.

    [Table 1.] Indicators on main symptoms filled out by the patient The higher the score, the more the discomfort.


    Indicators on main symptoms filled out by the patient The higher the score, the more the discomfort.


    There are currently no effective treatments for osteoarthritis. In the early stages, the goal of treatment is to slow the progression of osteoarthritis, relieve pain, and preserve joint mobility and function as much as possible.

    This is a case report of a single case, and it is only a presentation of a method called nutritional therapy used in research to help improve osteoarthritis; therefore, it cannot be concluded that nutritional therapy is an effective treatment for osteoarthritis.

    However, it is believed that the hyaluronic acid in Collaplex helped alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis, that vitamin C helped alleviate pain4, and that Sulfoplex MSM helped improve physical symptoms5.

    Due to the possibility that this nutritional therapy may be an additional treatment option for osteoarthritis patients, the patient consented to the publication of this report.

  • 1. Heidari B. 2011 Knee osteoarthritis prevalence, risk factors, pathogenesis and features: Part I [Caspian J Intern Med] Vol.2 P.205-212 google
  • 2. Roseti L., Desando G., Cavallo C., Petretta M., Grigolo B. 2019 Articular Cartilage Regeneration in Osteoarthritis [Cells] Vol.8 P.1305 google cross ref
  • 3. Tashiro T. 2012 Oral Administration of Polymer Hyaluronic Acid Alleviates Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study over a 12-Month Period [The Scientific World Journal] Vol.2012 P.167928 google cross ref
  • 4. Ripani U., Manzarbeitia-Arroba P., Guijarro-Leo S., Urrutia-Grana J., De Masi-De Luca A. 2019 Vitamin C May Help to Reduce the Knee's Arthritic Symptoms. Outcomes Assessment of Nutriceutical Therapy [Med Arch] Vol.73 P.173-177 google cross ref
  • 5. Pagonis T. A., Givissis P. A., Kritis A. C., Christodoulou A. C. 2014 The effect of methylsulfonylmethane on osteoarthritic large joints and mobility [International journal of orthopaedics] Vol.1 P.19-24 google
이미지 / 테이블
  • [ Table 1. ]  Indicators on main symptoms filled out by the patient The higher the score, the more the discomfort.
    Indicators on main symptoms filled out by the patient The higher the score, the more the discomfort.
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