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A Case Study of a Patient with Diabetes who Received Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) 세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 당뇨 환자 사례 연구

: A Case Report on Control of Diabetes Using Nutritional Therapy


: The patient is a Korean woman aged 58 years. The patient has a history of cervical cancer surgery and is a diabetic patient.


: Diabetes improved following nutritional therapy.


: Nutritional therapy can be beneficial in the treatment of diabetes.

Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) , diabetes
  • Introduction

    Diabetes is a major health problem in Korea, but little attention is paid to the quality of life of diabetic patients. The 4th National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2007-2009) investigated the effect of diabetes on health-related quality of life. Regardless of blood glucose level, patients with diabetes had a significantly lower HRQoL (Health-related QOL refers to QOL in the medical field that considers the patient's physical and mental functions.) than those without diabetes.1

    The patient is a 58-year-old female with a history of cervical cancer surgery and a one-year history of diabetes.

    Through this case, we hope to demonstrate the success of nutritional therapy for diabetes patients.


       1. Subject

    The subject was a patient diagnosed with cancer.

    1) Name: O O (F/58)

    2) Diagnosis: Type 2 Diabetes (OO Hospital)

    3) Onset Date: 2020

    4) Treatment period: July 2021 ~ Present

    5) Main complaint: Hospitalized for rehabilitation after cancer surgery, looking older than age, chronic fatigue, inability to control fasting blood sugar, and dull skin.

    6) Past history: Diabetes and hyperlipidemia drugs start in 2020 and cervical cancer surgery in April 2021

    7) Social History: drinking once a week

    8) Family History: stomach cancer (Mother)

    9) Current medical history and medication: Visiting internal medicine once a month for blood sugar monitoring, and maintaining normal fasting blood sugar levels (99-110)

       2. Method

    The patient was hospitalized and managed in a cancer rehabilitation hospital following surgery for cervical cancer, and she was taking diabetes medication (Januvia 100 mg) and hyperlipidemia medication.

    Nutritional therapy was implemented from July to December 2021. The prescription of medication administered was Cyaplex F 101, Eufaplex 101, Momoplex 101, T.M. Plex 2 capsules, Aqua Pure 1 pack, Collaplex, VIVAGIN X, and Bioplex. From January to July 2022, Cyaplex capsule 303, Eufaplex Stick 101, Momoplex 101, T.M. Plus 2 Capsule, Bioplex 001, VIVAGIN X 2 Capsule, Collaplex 1 Pack, Aqua Pure 1 Pack was prescribed.


    From July to December 2021, OCNT treatment resulted in maintained fasting blood glucose between 110 mg/dL and 125 mg/dL, and HbA1c was 5.9%. The patient returned to a condition that was extremely satisfactory, avoided overeating, and maintained a restrained lifestyle. Then, from January to May of 2022, the fasting blood glucose was maintained between 99 mg/dL and 113 mg/dL, and the glycated hemoglobin was kept at 6.0%. A June 2022 recommendation from an internal medicine specialist led to the discontinuation of the diabetes medication Januvia.

    After stopping Januvia, after July 2022, the fasting blood sugar level was maintained at 113 mg/dL and 120 mg/dL 2 hours after eating. From August to November 2022, the prescription was changed to Cyaplex Alpha 101, Eufaplex Capsule 303, Momoplex 101, Bioplex 01, VIVAGIN X 2 Capsule, Diverol 1 Capsule, and on the morning of November 11, fasting blood sugar was 99mg/dL, the patient had lost 3kg and her general condition improved.


    Self-management, such as diet regulation and exercise, is required to overcome diabetes.2 Therefore, it is quite challenging for modern individuals to overcome diabetes. This case report describes a single case in which nutritional therapy was proposed to research treatment for improving diabetes.

    It is presumed that in Cyaplex F prevent insulin resistance3, and it is hypothesized that Vivagin X's vitamin C, an antioxidant, reduces insulin resistance by enhancing conditions that reduce oxidative stress parameters4.

    In addition, zinc in T.M.plex is involved in insulin production and secretion5, chromium improves insulin cell sensitivity6, and Bitter Melon (Momordica charanitia fruit) extract7 contained in Momoplex have been shown to have a pronounced effect in clinical tests for treating type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

    Due to the possibility that this nutritional therapy may be an additional treatment option for diabetes patients, the patient consented to the publication of this report.

  • 1. Choi Y. J. 2011 The Relationship between Diabetes Mellitus and Health-Related Quality of Life in Korean Adults: The Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2007-2009) [Diabetes Metab J] Vol.35 P.587-594 google cross ref
  • 2. Burgers J. S. 2002 Inside Guidelines: Comparative analysis of recommendations and evidence in diabetes guidelines from 13 countries [Diabetes Care] Vol.25 P.1933-1939 google cross ref
  • 3. Li D., Zhang Y., Liu Y., Sun R., Xia M. 2015 Purified Anthocyanin Supplementation Reduces Dyslipidemia, Enhances Antioxidant Capacity, and Prevents Insulin Resistance in Diabetic Patients [The Journal of Nutrition] Vol.145 P.742-748 google cross ref
  • 4. Rafighi Z., Shiva A., Arab S., Mohd Yousof R. 2013 Association of dietary vitamin C and e intake and antioxidant enzymes in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients [Glob J Health Sci] Vol.5 P.183-187 google cross ref
  • 5. Fukunaka A., Fujitani Y. 2018 Role of Zinc Homeostasis in the Pathogenesis of Diabetes and Obesity [International Journal of Molecular Sciences] Vol.19 P.476 google cross ref
  • 6. Pechova A., Pavlata L. 2007 Chromium as an essential nutrient: a review [Veterinarni medicina] Vol.52 P.1 google
  • 7. Mohammady I., Elattar S., Mohammed S., Ewais M. 2012 An evaluation of anti-diabetic and anti-lipidemic properties of Momordica charantia (Bitter Melon) fruit extract in experimentally induced diabetes [Life Sci J] Vol.9 P.363-374 google
이미지 / 테이블
  • [ [Figure 1] ]  November 11, 2022, Fasting Blood Sugar Improved to 99 mg/dL.
    November 11, 2022, Fasting Blood Sugar Improved to 99 mg/dL.
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