Tropical Tasar culture is forest and agro-based activity that covers agricultural and industrial activity. Tasar silk is produced by the silkworm, Antheraea mylitta which is polyphagous in nature. A large number of pests are reported to attack both the host plant as well as silkworm. As the rearing is conducted outdoor silkworms are exposed to attack of various pests during their life cycle. Eocanthecona furcellata (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is the major predator of tasar silkworm during young age rearing. Both nymphs and adults of the stink bug suck the heamolymph of silkworm leading to death. The present work was undertaken to study the life cycle of E. furcellata on larvae of vapourer tussock moth which is a major pest of tasar host plants. The incubation period, nymphal duration and total developmental period from egg to adult was 8.0 ± 0.45 d, 16.0 ± 3.24 and 22.0 ± 4.20 d, respectively. Pre-oviposition, oviposition and longevity of male and female stink bug was 3.20 ± 0.38, 17.60 ± 1.86, 42.40 ± 1.94, 37.00 ± 3.18 d, respectively. Analysis of the data revealed no significant difference in life cycle of the predator when provided silkworm and vapourer tussock moth larvae as hosts. Which clearly indicates that E. furcellata can multiply on vapourer tussock moth larvae during non rearing periods. Adoption of recommended pest control measures for defoliators of tasar host plants during non-rearing periods will help in reducing the incidence of host plant pests and also in reducing the incidence of stink bug during rearing season. During the study it was also observed that larvae semilooper, boll headed caterpillar and nymphs of leaf hopper serve as alternate/secondary hosts to E. furcellata during non rearing seasons.
Tropical Tasar culture is forest and agro-based activity that covers agricultural and industrial activity. Tasar silk is produced by “
Tasar silkworm,
The pests of tasar silkworm are broadly categories into predators and parasitoids. Predators cause damage to tasar larvae during early instars and parasitoids during later stages. Due to these pests the production of tasar silk is affected considerably. The major parasitoids and predators of silkworms are Uzi fly (
Among the predators of silkworm the stink bug,
Collection and culturing of Eocanthecona furcellata:
The adults of
Collection and culturing of vapourer tussock moth:
The larvae of vapourer tussock moth were collected from the rearing field of CTR&TI, Ranchi and the culture was maintained in the laboratory in perforated plastic boxes on leaves of
Life cycle of Eocanthecona furcellata on vapourer tussock moth larvae:
The eggs of
Seven types of vapourer tussock moth larvae were collected from the field. The species which was abundant was used in the study.
Different species of Vapourer tussock moth larvae infesting tasar host plants
Life cycle of Eocanthecona furcellata on vapourer tussock moth larvae:
The incubation period of stink bug eggs varied from 7-9 d with an average of 8.00 ± 0.45 d. The eggs were silver coloured when laid and turned to reddish brown 24 – 48 h before hatching.
The nymphs emerged from the dorsal surface of eggs by removing the upper lid. The first instar nymphs were reddish with yellow colour which later turned slowly into black and red. They were gregarious and found to feed on sap of tender leaves of
After completion of fifth nymphal instar the nymphs shed their last nymphal skin and emerge as adults. The newly emerged young adults were red in colour and later on changed to dark brown. Males were smaller and more active than females. Total developmental period of
After emergence as adult they did not copulate immediately. The pre-copulation period fluctuated from 4-5 d. Average pre-copulation period was 4.60 ± 0.25d. In captivity, copulation period ranged from 16-36 h with an average of 25.60 ± 3.77 h. During copulation both the sexes remained stationary in opposite direction in end to end position.
Female stink bug oviposited after 3-4 d of copulation. The average pre-oviposition duration was 3.20 ± 0.38 d. The eggs were laid in small clutches arranged in 4-8 rows. In laboratory condition the eggs were laid on leaves, walls of the culture jar and cloth used to cover the jars and blotting paper. The average number of eggs/clutch was 30.14 ± 3.41 (range 24-60). The fecundity of a single female varied from 210-405 eggs with an average of 302.54 ± 37.27.
[Table 1.] Life cycle of Eocanthecona furcellata on vapourer tussock moth and tasar silkworm
Life cycle of Eocanthecona furcellata on vapourer tussock moth and tasar silkworm
Reproductive performance of Eocanthecona furcellata developed on larvae of vapourer tussock moth and tasar silkworm
Adult longevity:
In laboratory the longevity of males and females ranged from 29 - 45 d and 30 - 48 d with an average of 37.00 ± 3.18 and 42.40 ± 1.94 d, respectively.
In control where the silkworm larvae were used as food for
The incubation period of
The results of Ray and Khan (2011) regarding nymphal instars, nymphal duration of
Ray and Khan (2011) reported that the young adults were yellowish in colour and later on changed to dark brown which is contrast to our results where the colour of newly emerged young adults were red in colour and later on turned to dark brown.
Ray and Khan (2011) and Kumar
The longevity of stink bug male and female was reported as 16.8 and 24.7 d, respectively by Ray and Khan (2011) is not in agreement with our results.
The vapourer tussock moth which served as host for