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Prototype Development for the GMT FSM Secondary - Off-axis Aspheric Mirror Fabrication -
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A prototype of the GMT FSM has been developed to acquire and to enhance the key technology – mirror fabrication and tip-tilt actuation. The ellipsoidal off-axis mirror has been designed, analyzed, and fabricated from light-weighting to grinding, polishing, and figuring of the mirror surface. The mirror was tested by using an interferometer together with CGHs, which revealed the surface error of 13.7 nm rms in the diameter of 1030 mm. The SCOTS test was employed to independently validate the test results. It measured the surface error to be 17.4 nm rms in the diameter of 1010 mm. Both tests show the optical surface of the FSMP mirror within the required value of 20 nm rms surface error.

GMT , secondary , mirror , off-axis , aspheric , fabrication
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이미지 / 테이블
  • [ Fig. 1. ]  Schematic drawing of the GMT. The primary mirror consists of seven segments of 8.4 m in diameter.
    Schematic drawing of the GMT. The primary mirror consists of seven segments of 8.4 m in diameter.
  • [ Table 1. ]  Optical prescription of the GMT.
    Optical prescription of the GMT.
  • [ Fig. 2. ]  Optical ray traces of the GMT. The star lights reflected by the primary segments will be converged first to a plane before the secondary.
    Optical ray traces of the GMT. The star lights reflected by the primary segments will be converged first to a plane before the secondary.
  • [ Fig. 3. ]  A drawing of the GMT FSM segments. Among the seven segments, the surrounding six segments are placed at off-axis positions.
    A drawing of the GMT FSM segments. Among the seven segments, the surrounding six segments are placed at off-axis positions.
  • [ Table 2. ]  Comparison of the GMT FSM and the Magellan secondary.
    Comparison of the GMT FSM and the Magellan secondary.
  • [ Fig. 4. ]  FSM mirror segments drawn according to the Zemax data of the GMT.
    FSM mirror segments drawn according to the Zemax data of the GMT.
  • [ Fig. 5. ]  Finite element analysis of the FSMP mirror model. Surface deformation by gravity is expected to be 7.6 nm rms in zenith position (a), and 7.7 nm rms in vertical position (b).
    Finite element analysis of the FSMP mirror model. Surface deformation by gravity is expected to be 7.6 nm rms in zenith position (a), and 7.7 nm rms in vertical position (b).
  • [ Fig. 6. ]  Manufacturing drawing for the light-weighting.
    Manufacturing drawing for the light-weighting.
  • [ Fig. 7. ]  Back side of the mirror after light-weighting. 91 holes were made from the spherical back side.
    Back side of the mirror after light-weighting. 91 holes were made from the spherical back side.
  • [ Fig. 8. ]  A surface map during grinding. It was the measured data on Oct. 29, 2012. The peak to valley was about 5 μ excluding the redundant edges which were cut down after grinding.
    A surface map during grinding. It was the measured data on Oct. 29, 2012. The peak to valley was about 5 μ excluding the redundant edges which were cut down after grinding.
  • [ Fig. 9. ]  The surface error map of the FSMP mirror announced on July 17, 2013. The rms error was 13.7 nm for the diameter of 1030 mm.
    The surface error map of the FSMP mirror announced on July 17, 2013. The rms error was 13.7 nm for the diameter of 1030 mm.
  • [ Fig. 10. ]  Test results of the off-axis mirror by using the SCOTS and the interferometer. The SCOTS result is 17.5 nm rms, and the interferometer result is 12.9 nm rms in the diameter of 1010 mm. Both removed the Zernike 11 terms.
    Test results of the off-axis mirror by using the SCOTS and the interferometer. The SCOTS result is 17.5 nm rms, and the interferometer result is 12.9 nm rms in the diameter of 1010 mm. Both removed the Zernike 11 terms.
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