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Comparison of clay and charcoal as feed additives for Protaetia brevitarsis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
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Comparison of clay and charcoal as feed additives for Protaetia brevitarsis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Protaetia brevitarsis , clay , charcoal , weight gain , commercial insects , rearing condition
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이미지 / 테이블
  • [ Table 1. ]  Seven treatments for feed composition with two additives, charcoal and clay.
    Seven treatments for feed composition with two additives, charcoal and clay.
  • [ Table 2. ]  Mean and standard deviation of larval weight increases based on seven different feeds compositions with two feed additives, charcoal and clay
    Mean and standard deviation of larval weight increases based on seven different feeds compositions with two feed additives, charcoal and clay
  • [ Fig. 1. ]  Means of accumulated larval weight based on seven different feeds compositions with two feed additives, charcoal and clay.
    Means of accumulated larval weight based on seven different feeds compositions with two feed additives, charcoal and clay.
  • [ Fig. 2. ]  Means of final larval weight after 17-wk rearing on seven different feeds compositions with two feed additives, charcoal and clay. The error bar indicates the standard errors. The means and standard errors were compared to control by t-test (NS: not significant, * : p < 0.10, and **: p < 0.05)
    Means of final larval weight after 17-wk rearing on seven different feeds compositions with two feed additives, charcoal and clay. The error bar indicates the standard errors. The means and standard errors were compared to control by t-test (NS: not significant, * : p < 0.10, and **: p < 0.05)
  • [ Fig. 3. ]  Means of larval weight just before pupation based on seven different feeds compositions with two feed additives, charcoal and clay. The error bar indicates the standard errors.
    Means of larval weight just before pupation based on seven different feeds compositions with two feed additives, charcoal and clay. The error bar indicates the standard errors.
  • [ Fig. 4. ]  Means time for required for second instar larvae to pupate based on seven different feeds compositions with two feed additives, charcoal and clay. The error bar indicates the standard errors.
    Means time for required for second instar larvae to pupate based on seven different feeds compositions with two feed additives, charcoal and clay. The error bar indicates the standard errors.
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