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A Taxonomic Review of the Genus Myzia (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Coccinellinae) from Korea
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The taxonomic study of the genus Myzia Mulsant, 1846 in Korea is presented. The genus Myzia contains five species worldwide and two species currently recognized in Palaearctic region. Until now, only M. oblongoguttata (Linnaeus, 1758) has been known in Korea, but we found M. gebleri (Crotch, 1874) for the first time in Korea. We redescribed these two Korean species of the genus Myzia with photographs of the habitus and detailed illustrations of their aedeagus and other appendages. A taxonomic key to the species of Korean Myzia beetles are also provided.

Coleoptera , Coccinellidae , Myzia , M. gebleri , M. oblongoguttata

    The world-widespread genus Myzia (Coccinellidae: Coccinellinae), was introduced by Mulsant (1846) with M. oblongoguttata (Linnaeus, 1758) as the type-species. They are medium sized lady bugs (with average length between 6.0 to 10.0 mm) with 2 spurs in each apex of middle and hind tibiae, clefted tarsal claws, and incomplete post-coxal lines (Gordon, 1985).

    The genus Myzia includes 2 species in the Palaearctic region, but only M. oblongoguttata has been reported in Korea. We added one more species, M. gebleri (Crotch, 1874), for the first time in Korea. These two species are described and figures of their habitus and aedeagus are provided.


    Order Coleoptera Linnaeus, 1758

    Superfamily Cucujoidea Latreille, 1802

    Family Coccinellidae Latreille, 1807

    Subfamily Coccinellinae Ganglbauer, 1899

    1*Genus Myzia Mulsant, 1846

    Myzia Mulsant, 1846: 277 (in index part).

    Mysia Mulsant, 1846: 129. Type species: Coccinella oblongoguttata Linnaeus. Homonym of Mysia Lamarck.

    Neomysia Casey, 1899: 98. Type species: Coccinella pullata Say.

    Paramysia Reitter, 1911: 144. Type species: Coccinella oblongoguttata Linnaeus.

    Key to the Korean species of Myzia

    1. Elytron yellowish brown with various sized and elongated white spots. Pronotum yellowish brown with yellow parts at sides ·········································· Myzia oblongoguttata

    - Elytron yellowish brown with 3 white stripes and 1 spot near scutellum. Pronotum yellowish brown with broad yellowish white parts at sides ··························· M. gebleri

    2*Myzia oblongoguttata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Fig. 1)

    Coccinella oblongoguttata Linnaeus, 1758: 367.

    Myzia oblongoguttata: Gozis, 1875: 93.

    Neomysia oblongoguttata: Seidlitz, 1911: 356.

    Paramysia oblongoguttata: Jacobson, 1916: 986.

    Mysia kasaii Kurisaki, 1920: 231.

    Neomysia nipponica: Yuasa, 1963: 12.

    Sospita (Myzia) oblongoguttata nipponica: Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1979: 59.

    Material examined. Korea, 2♂ 5♀, Gyeongsangbuk-do: Cheongsong-gun, Andeok-myeon, Sinseong-ri, 6 Jul 2013; 1♀, Andong-si, Mt. Gyemyeongsan, 12 Jul 2012; 1♀, Gangwon-do: Pyeongchang-gun, Mt. Odaesan, 28 Aug 2012.

    Redescription. Size: 6.0-8.5 mm in length, 4.5-6.5 mm in width.

    Coloration and shape: Oblong-oval shaped, strongly convex; dorsal surface yellowish brown, finely punctate (Fig. 1A). Head slightly narrower than pronotum; yellowish brown. Antennae and mouth parts reddish brown. Anterior margin of pronotum pale yellow. Elytra with various sized and elongated white spots.

    Head: Head slightly narrower than half of pronotum. Frons pubescence. Clypeus and labrum with long and many setae. Mandibles with 2 teeth and distinct groove ventrally; lateral margin of mandibles with 1 long and 8 short setae (Fig. 1C). Antennae distinctly longer than head; 9th antennomere twice as long as width; 10th antennomere one and a half as long as width (Fig. 1D).

    Thorax: Pronotum narrower than two-thirds of body width; rounded at anterior and posterior corner; finely and densely punctured. Elytra distinctly shagreened finely punctured. Apex of middle and hind tibia each with 2 spurs. Tarsal claw cleft (Fig. 1H).

    Abdomen: Abdominal ventrites pubescence sparsely. Post-coxal line incomplete (Fig. 1B). Female spermatheca slightly bent (Fig. 1G). Male tegmen relatively long and slender (Fig. 1F). Male sipho elongated (Fig. 1E). Posterior margin of last ventrites rounded in females, slightly caved in males (Fig. 1B).

    Remarks. Most specimens of this species were captured by light trap in forest areas.

    Distribution. Korea, Japan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Turkey, Morocco, United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Isle of Man, France, Germany, Ireland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Italy, Austria, Poland, Belarus, Latvia, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Lithuania.

    1*Myzia gebleri (Crotch, 1874) (Fig. 2) (new Korean record)

    Coccinella ramosa Faldermann, 1833: 71. Homonym of Coccinella ramosak Olivier.

    Mysia ramosa: Mulsant, 1850: 139.

    Mysia gebleri Crotch, 1874: 33.

    Myzia gebleri: Gozis, 1875: 94.

    Paramysia gebleri: Jacobson, 1916: 986.

    Neomysia kasaii Kurisaki, 1920: 231; Nakane, 1963: 106.

    Neomysia gebleri: Mader, 1928: 49.

    Neomysia remosa: Sasaji, 1971: 274.

    Sospita (Myzia) gebleri: Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982: 158.

    Material examined. Korea: 1♀, Gangwon-do: Wonju-si, Mt. Chiaksan, 7 Aug 2012; 1♂, 2♀, Pyeongchang-gun, Mt. Odaesan, 28 Aug 2012.

    Redescription. Size: 6.0-7.0 mm in length, 4.5-5.0 mm in width.

    Coloration and shape: Short oval shaped, strongly convex; dorsal surface yellowish brown or reddish brown, finely punctate (Fig. 2A). Head reddish brown with a pair of white spots at inner ocular margin. Antennae and mouth parts reddish brown or brown. Pronotum with broad yellowish white parts at sides. Elytron with 3 white to yellow stripes and 1 spot near scutellum.

    Head: Head slightly transverse, narrower than half of pronotum. Frons densely and shallowly punctured. Mandibles with 2 teeth and distinct groove ventrally; lateral margin of mandibles with 2 long and 5 short setae (Fig. 2C). Antennae distinctly longer than head (Fig. 2D).

    Thorax: Pronotum narrower than two-thirds of body width; rounded at anterior and posterior corner; finely, but shallowly punctured. Elytra not distinctly shagreened irregularly punctured. Apex of middle and hind tibia and terminal tarsomere each with 2 spurs. Tarsal claw cleft (Fig. 2H).

    Abdomen: Abdominal ventrites pubescence sparsely. Post-coxal line incomplete (Fig. 2B). Female spermatheca hardly bended (Fig. 2G). Male tegmen relatively long and slender (Fig. 2F). Male sipho finely elongated (Fig. 2E). Posterior margin of last ventrites rounded in females (Fig. 2B), slightly caved in males.

    Remarks. All specimens of M. gebleri were captured by light trap in forest areas. According to the records of Japan, China, and Russia, this species has 2 types of body coloration: pale brownish surface with white to yellowish stripes; and blackish surface with white to yellowish stripes. Therefore, blackish M. gebleri might also exist in Korea.

    Distribution. Korea (new record), Japan, China, Russia, Mongolia, Morocco.

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이미지 / 테이블
  • [ Fig. 1. ]  Myzia oblongoguttata. A, Habitus; B, Abdomen (male); C, Mandible; D, Antenna; E, Sipho; F, Tegmen; G, Spermatheca; H, Hind leg. Scale bars: A-H 0.5 mm.
    Myzia oblongoguttata. A, Habitus; B, Abdomen (male); C, Mandible; D, Antenna; E, Sipho; F, Tegmen; G, Spermatheca; H, Hind leg. Scale bars: A-H 0.5 mm.
  • [ Fig. 2. ]  Myzia gebleri. A, Habitus; B, Abdomen (female); C, Mandible; D, Antenna; E, Sipho; F, Tegmen; G, Spermatheca; H, Hind leg. Scale bars: A-H 0.5 mm.
    Myzia gebleri. A, Habitus; B, Abdomen (female); C, Mandible; D, Antenna; E, Sipho; F, Tegmen; G, Spermatheca; H, Hind leg. Scale bars: A-H 0.5 mm.
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