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Effect of Sunlight Polarization on the Absorption Efficiency of V-shaped Organic Solar Cells
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We numerically investigate the effect of sunlight polarization on the absorption efficiency of V-shaped organic solar cells (VOSCs) using the finite element method (FEM). The spectral distribution of absorbance and the spatial distribution of power dissipation are calculated as a function of the folding angle for s-and p-polarized light. The absorption enhancement caused by the light-trapping effect was more pronounced for s-polarized light at folding angles smaller than 20°, where s-polarized light has a relatively larger reflectance than p-polarized light. On the other hand, the absorption efficiency for p-polarized light is relatively larger for folding angles larger than 20°, where the smaller reflectance at the interface of the VOSC is more important in obtaining high absorption efficiency.

Organic solar cell , Optical modeling , Light trapping , Finite element method
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이미지 / 테이블
  • [ FIG. 1. ]  Schematic diagram of the device structure along with material’s composition and thickness of each layer. The plane wave is assumed to enter the OSC structure from the air at the uppermost boundary. The direction of the electric field oscillations is perpendicular (s-polarization) or parallel (ppolarization) to the incident plane. Two arms of the VOSC are tilted to the normal incident light with a folding angle of α.
    Schematic diagram of the device structure along with material’s composition and thickness of each layer. The plane wave is assumed to enter the OSC structure from the air at the uppermost boundary. The direction of the electric field oscillations is perpendicular (s-polarization) or parallel (ppolarization) to the incident plane. Two arms of the VOSC are tilted to the normal incident light with a folding angle of α.
  • [ FIG. 2. ]  Calculated absorptance spectra in the active layer (P3HT:PCBM) of the VSOC for various folding angles. As the folding angle decreases, the absorptance increases and becomes saturated.
    Calculated absorptance spectra in the active layer (P3HT:PCBM) of the VSOC for various folding angles. As the folding angle decreases, the absorptance increases and becomes saturated.
  • [ FIG. 3. ]  The extinction coefficient spectra of the active layer (P3HT : PCBM), which has the peak value at the wavelength of 500 nm and shows the ripple between 500 and 600 nm.
    The extinction coefficient spectra of the active layer (P3HT : PCBM), which has the peak value at the wavelength of 500 nm and shows the ripple between 500 and 600 nm.
  • [ FIG. 4. ]  The spatial distribution of the power dissipation in the VOSC at the folding angle of α = (a) 20°, (b) 45°, and (c) 70° for s-polarized light. The spatial distribution of the power dissipation is obtained by taking the summation over the whole wavelength range.
    The spatial distribution of the power dissipation in the VOSC at the folding angle of α = (a) 20°, (b) 45°, and (c) 70° for s-polarized light. The spatial distribution of the power dissipation is obtained by taking the summation over the whole wavelength range.
  • [ FIG. 5. ]  The spatial distribution of the power dissipation in the VOSC at the folding angle of α = (a) 20°, (b) 45°, and (c) 70° for p-polarized light. The spatial distribution of the power dissipation is obtained by taking the summation over the whole wavelength range.
    The spatial distribution of the power dissipation in the VOSC at the folding angle of α = (a) 20°, (b) 45°, and (c) 70° for p-polarized light. The spatial distribution of the power dissipation is obtained by taking the summation over the whole wavelength range.
  • [ FIG. 6. ]  Calculated reflectance spectra at the interface of the VOCS at the folding angle of α = 20°, 45°, and 70° for s- and p-polarized light. For the folding angles of α = 20°, 45°, and 70°, the incidence angle at the interface of the VOSC corresponds to α = 70°, 45°, and 20° in terms of the oblique incidence for planar solar cells.
    Calculated reflectance spectra at the interface of the VOCS at the folding angle of α = 20°, 45°, and 70° for s- and p-polarized light. For the folding angles of α = 20°, 45°, and 70°, the incidence angle at the interface of the VOSC corresponds to α = 70°, 45°, and 20° in terms of the oblique incidence for planar solar cells.
  • [ FIG. 7. ]  Calculation results of polarization-dependent absorptance spectra in the active layer of the VOSC at the folding angles of α = 20°, 45°, and 70°. Both polarizations have relatively high absorptance at the small folding angle due to the enhanced light trapping effect.
    Calculation results of polarization-dependent absorptance spectra in the active layer of the VOSC at the folding angles of α = 20°, 45°, and 70°. Both polarizations have relatively high absorptance at the small folding angle due to the enhanced light trapping effect.
  • [ FIG. 8. ]  Calculated total absorptance of the VOCS as a function of the folding angle α for s- and p-polarized light
    Calculated total absorptance of the VOCS as a function of the folding angle α for s- and p-polarized light
  • [ FIG. 9. ]  (a) Optical spectra of the AM 1.5 sunlight. (b) Calculated solar absorptance of the VOSC as a function of the folding angle α for s- and p-polarized light.
    (a) Optical spectra of the AM 1.5 sunlight. (b) Calculated solar absorptance of the VOSC as a function of the folding angle α for s- and p-polarized light.
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