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Editorial Board of JISTap
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  • Co-Editors-in-Chief

    Gary Marchionini is the Dean and Cary C. Boshamer Professor in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He teaches courses in humaninformation interaction, interface design and testing, and digital libraries. He has published over 200 articles, chapters and reports in a variety of books and journals. Professor Marchionini has had grants or research awards from the National Science Foundation, Council on Library Resources, the National Library of Medicine, the Library of Congress, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Kellogg Foundation, NASA, The National Cancer Institute, Microsoft, Google, and IBM among others. Professor Marchionini was Editor-in-Chief for the ACM Transaction on Information Systems (2002-2008) and is the editor for the Morgan-Claypool Lecture Series on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services. He has been program chair for ACM SIGIR (2005) and ACM/IEEE JCDL (2002) as well as general chair of ACM DL 96 and JCDL 2006. His current interests and projects are related to: interfaces that support information seeking and information retrieval and usability of personal health records. He currently is PI on a grant from NSF focused on a search results framework that supports searches over multiple sessions and in collaboration.

    Dr. Dong-Geun Oh, Ph. D., MLIS, MBA, is a Professor and Chairperson, Department of Library and Information Science, Kei-Myung University, South Korea. His concerns are various from cataloging and classification to library management. He has done major roles in many academic societies in Korea as a vice president, EIC, and/or committee members, including Korean Library and Information Science Society, etc; as the members of the national committees in Korea, including those for the National Library for Children and Young Adults; for the Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, etc. He received “Korean Library Award 2001” (Korean Library Association), “Best Research Award 2002” and “Distinguished Achievement Award 2012” (Kei-Myung University), and “Academy Award 2009” (Korean Library and Information Science Society). He has been selected 6times as “Bisa Best Research Professor” (Kei-Myung University) for his achievements in research and teaching. He has written and translated more than 40 books, and has published more than 70 articles in the scholarly journals, including “Complaining Behavior of Public Library Users In South Korea”, “Developing and Maintaining a National Classification System”, etc. He also has done more than 30 research projects, and has lectured many times home and abroad, including in India, Singapore, and Japan

    Associate Editors

    Dr. Honam Choi is a General Director of Information Service Center at Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KISTI). He worked as the 1st Chairman of Korea Special Library Association until the end of March 2010. He also was a vice President of Korea Library Association from July 2009 through June 2011. As a general director of information service center, he is currently responsible for national S&T information services for Korean researchers, professors, students and stake-holders. Dr. Choi is interested in developing criteria for evaluation against research output by employing the methods of citation data analysis. He has experience of building and analyzing the citation data for the purpose of evaluation of domestic scholarly journals published by learned societies in Korea. He has published about 20 journal articles and technical reports.

    Dr. Kiduk Yang studied Computer Science as an undergraduate in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), after which he began a career as an application programmer and systems developer. While working over 14 years as an IT professional, he earned a Master’s degree and Ph.D in Information Science at the School of Information and Library Science at UNC-CH. Dr. Yang began his academic career in the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University Bloomington, where he established and directed the WIDIT (Web Information Discovery Integrated Tool) Research Laboratory. At present, Dr. Yang is an associate professor at the Department of Library and Information Science at Kyungpook National University in Korea. Dr. Yang’s research areas are information retrieval with emphasis on leveraging human knowledge for information discovery on the Web and bibliometrics with a focus on multi-facetted approach to quality assessment. His research projects include integration of information retrieval and knowledge organization, multi-faceted fusion approach to bibliometric analysis, fusion of data sources and retrieval methods, and targeted opinion detection in blogosphere.

    Managing Editors

    Dr. Hea Lim Rhee is currently a senior researcher at Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information. Also she is a managing editor of the Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice. She got her Doctor of Philosophy degree from the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh in 2011. She received her master of science in information from the University of Michigan, where she specialized in archives and records management. Before coming to the United States, her undergraduate major was library and information science. She continued to pursue her studies in this area in her master’s program at Ewha Womans University in Korea, specializing in East Asian archival studies. Her research interests include archival appraisal, government records, user studies, international archives, digital archives, records management, and information-seeking behavior. Her professional experience in archives and libraries includes work as a librarian at a main library at Ewha and as an intern for a library at Columbia University.

    Yong-Gu Lee is an assistant professor at the Department of Library and Information Science, Keimyung University, Republic of Korea. He received Master degree and Ph.D. in Library and Information Science from the Yonsei University, Korea. His research areas are information retrieval, automated text categorization, word sense disambiguation and digital library.

    Editorial Board

    Dr. Ramesha completed BLISc., and MLISc., from Bangalore University, Karnataka, INDIA and awarded Ph.D. from Karnatak University, Dharwad. He was started his carrier as a Librarian in the United Mission Degree College, Bangalore and joined the Karnatak University Library, Dharwad in 1999 as a Asst. Librarian. Subsequently he was moved to University of Madras, Chennai as a Lecturer. Presently he is working as a Associate Professor in the Dept. of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University, Bangalore. As of today he has participated more then 50 national and international conferences, seminars and workshops and published over 75 research papers both in national and international journals and conference proceedings. Completed one one Major and one minor Research proejct funded by UGC. Dr. Ramesha suved as resource person in many Academic Staff Colleges(ASC), workshops and symposia. He is a editor of many professional journals includes Indian Journal of Library and Information, Journal of Indian Library Association, KELPRO Bulletin and Consulting Editor of Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice (JISTaP), KISTI, Korea. He is a life member of many professional associations including ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS, FIC, MALA, KALA etc. His areas of interest includes Information Literacy, Design and Development of Digital Repositories and Application of ICT in LIS.

    France Bouthillier has been director of the School of Information Studies, McGill University, since 2004 and an associate professor since 2002. Her teaching areas include the management of information services, business information, competitive intelligence and information and society. Her publications, presentations and research projects deal with information needs of small businesses, knowledge management, education of information professionals, competitive intelligence and ethnographic research. In 2003-2004 she was elected president of the Corporation of Professional Librarians in Quebec, and president of the Canadian Association of Information Science. Prior to her hiring at McGill, she had held various teaching and administrative positions in other universities and public agencies. Professor Bouthillier has worked as a consultant for conducting various organizational studies in both the public and private sectors.

    Kathleen Burnett is a professor at the College of Communication and Information. She earned her B.A. (1978) summa cum laude in German Literature, with a minor in Philosophy, from the University of California, San Diego. She got her M.L.S. (1979) and Ph.D. (1989) in Library and Information Studies with a specialization in the History of Printing and Publishing from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Burnett conducts research on the social meaning of information, including the development and application of theoretical frameworks to empirical studies of information worlds, the examination of interaction in online education, anticipatory socialization in doctoral education, and the emergence of disciplinary identity in information science. Currently, she conducts studies of Latinas’ engagement with IT and scientists’ collaborative practices. She teaches courses in international and comparative information services, information behavior, and information education. She is a member of the ALISE Publication Committee and a past chair of the Statistical Advisory Board (2007). She was recently appointed an editor of the ALISE publication, Journal of Education for Library and Information Science Education (JELIS).

    Boryung Ju is an Associate Professor at the School of Library & Information Science, Louisiana State University. Her research interests include human-computer interaction, design and evaluation of user interfaces, usability analysis, human factors, and knowledge management. She received her Ph.D. in Information Studies from The Florida State University, her Master’s from Indiana University, and MA & BA degrees from Chung-Ang University in Seoul, Korea.

    Prof. Mallinath Kumbar obtained his B.L.I.Sc. in First Rank from Gulbarga University, M.L.I.Sc. in first class from Bangalore University, M.A. in Political Science and Ph.D. degree in Library & Information science from Karnataka University, Dharwad. He started his career as Assistant Librarian in December 1985 in Mangalore University, later he joined as Assistant Librarian in Kuvempu University, Shimoga and he started Department of Library and information science in Kuvempu University in 1993. In 1999 he joined University of Mysore as Reader; in 2007 he was promoted as Professor in department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore. Prof. Mallinath Kumbar has successfully guided 5 Ph.D & 2 Phil’s; he has published 113 research papers and 3 books. He has worked has organizing secretary and director for national & International conferences. He has visited aboard for academic assignments. Prof. Mallinath Kumbar is recipient of State award for Securing first Rank in B.L.I.Sc. From Department of Youth Service Govt of Karnataka in 1984 and recently on 12 August 2012 he has been felicitated with State award for the contributions to the Field of Library & Information Science from the Government of Karnataka (India).

    Shailendra Kumar has done his Ph.D. in Library and Information Science, he got his Master degree in LIS and B.Sc. from University of Delhi. He is presently working as Associate Professor in Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi and Head of Department during 2001 to 2004. He has more than 32 years of Professional experience. He served also IGNOU, CSIR and INSA at Delhi. He got Young Information Scientist award in 1994, Bharat Jyoti Award in 2006 and Fellowship Award of Society of Information Science in 2008, IATLIS Best Teacher Award in LIS for his contributions in Education in Library and Information Science. He pioneered first V-Book in Library and Information Science in 2003 and consecutively published three more E-Books on LIS in India. Core member of first e-course in LIS developed by Consortium For Educational Communication(CEC) of UGC in India. Participated in many teleconferencing programmes in IGNOU and CEC. He has to his credit more than 75 publications and five books. He was chairperson and panelist for many international and national conferences. He has supervised 35 M.Phil and 10 Ph.D. degrees from University of Delhi and other universities. His interest areas are Library and Information Management Softwares, ELearning and Scientometrics.

    Fenglin Li is a Professor in Information Systems and E-commerce Department at the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, and a member of China Electronic Commerce Association. He is the Deputy Director of Research Center of Modern Service at Wuhan University. His academic interests include human information behavior, business information services, e-commerce, theory and application of service management. He received the Ph.D. in informatics from the School of Information management, Wuhan University in 2002, and the M.S. in space physics from the School of Electronic information, Wuhan University in 1998. He taught physics at high school in Wuhan after graduation in Physics at Jianghan University in 1982. He works at Wuhan University from 1998, and his teaching courses are the principle of computer, business process management, and modern service management. He currently conducts research on the personalized information service system based on context aware.

    Lokman I. Meho earned a B.A. and M.A. in Political Studies from the American University of Beirut (AUB) in 1991 and 1996, respectively. He also earned an MLS in 1996 and PhD in 2001 in Information and Library Science from North Carolina Central University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, respectively. Before joining AUB as the University Librarian, he was a tenured Associate Professor at the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University Bloomington. Dr. Meho is the author of several major bibliographies, including The Kurds and Kurdistan, Libraries and Information in the Arab World, Kurdish Culture and Society, The Kurdish Question in U.S. Foreign Policy, and Censorship in the Arab World. He is also the author of several major studies that appeared mostly in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Dr. Meho’s research interests are in the areas of citation analysis, bibliometrics, scientometrics, and scholarly communication. His teaching interests include reference, online searching, social science information, and evaluation of library sources and services. He is the recipient of several teaching and best paper awards.

    Dr. Jin-Cheon Na is an associate professor in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Before he joined NTU, he was a senior researcher at the Agency for Defense Development, Korea. He obtained his PhD in the Department of Computer Science at Texas A&M University. He has published more than 60 papers mainly in the areas of digital libraries, sentiment analysis, hypertext & hypermedia, document engineering, and knowledge organization. He is a member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI) and Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice (JISTaP).

    Daniel O. O’Connor has his MSLS and Ph.D. from Syracuse University and he is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Library and Information Science at Rutgers where he teaches research methods in the undergraduate, masters and doctoral programs at the School of Communication & Information. He has served as an elected member of the Council of the American Library Association (ALA), chaired ALA’s Education Committee, chaired its Committee on Research and Statistics, and served as a member of ALA’s Committee on Accreditation.. He was a Co-conference chair and referee for the Association for Library and Information Science Education. At Rutgers, Dr. O’Connor is the chair of the New Brunswick Faculty Council which includes all academic departments in central campuses. He has served as Co-Chair of the University Senate Budget Committee and as Chair of the New Brunswick Faculty Council Personnel Committee. He is the current President of the New Jersey State Conference of the American Association of University Professors, representing over 7,500 faculty and professional staff at 13 higher education institutions. He has held consulting positions with the New York Public Library and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    Alice Robbin is an associate professor of library and information science in the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University Bloomington. She served as director and co-director of the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics between 2004 and 2012. Her research interests include information policy, communication and information behavior in complex organizations, and the societal implications of the information age. In addition to her research on the effects of digital inequality and information seeking behavior on the Internet, she examines the political controversy over the federal reclassification of standards for racial and ethnic group data and, with colleagues, studies the evolution of e-government in Lebanon and the Internet censorship regulatory regime in China.

    Paul Solomon served as statistician, operations research analyst, and program analyst/evaluator in several agencies of the Federal Government. Following this he served on the faculty of the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, including service as an administrator. Most recently he is a member of the faculty of the School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina. Also, he service as Fulbright Professor (Finland). Dr. Solomon’s research focuses on social studies of information, which try to understand what information is to people as they engage in life and work, in such contexts as schools, government, and universities, and with such populations as children, managers, chemists/chemical engineers, and the elderly. Dr. Solomon’s teaching has been focused on research methods, management, and user perspectives. He earned a B.S. in Business Administration from Penn State; an M.B.A. from the University of Washington; and M.L.S. and PhD degrees from the University of Maryland. He is the author of numerous information and library science publications, many of which have been widely cited and several have been recognized as ‘best papers’ by the American Society for Information Science and Technology.

이미지 / 테이블
  • [ Gary Marchionini ]  march@ils.unc.edu
  • [ Dong-Geun Oh ]  odroot@gw.kmu.ac.kr
  • [ Honam Choi ]  hnchoi@kisti.re.kr
  • [ Kiduk Yang ]  kiyang@kmu.ac.kr
  • [ Hea Lim Rhee ]  rhee.healim@gmail.com
  • [ Yong-Gu Lee ]  yonggulee@kmu.ac.kr
  • [ Beeraka Ramesha Babu ]  bbramesha@gmail.com
  • [ France Bouthilier ]  france.bouthillier@mcgill.ca
  • [ Kathleen Burnett ]  kburnett@fsu.edu
  • [ Boryung Ju ]  Bju1@lsu.edu
  • [ Mallinath Kumbar ]  mallinathk@yahoo.com
  • [ Shailendra Kumar ]  Shail3@yahoo.com
  • [ Fenglin Li ]  fanilee@whu.edu.cn
  • [ Lokman I. Meho ]  lmeho@aub.edu.lb
  • [ Jin-Cheon Na ]  TJCNa@ntu.edu.sg
  • [ Daniel O. O’Connor ]  oconnor@scils.rutgers.edu
  • [ Alice Robbin ]  arobbin@indiana.edu
  • [ Paul Solomon ]  paulsolomon@sc.edu
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