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Comparison of residual strength-grounding damage index diagrams for tankers produced by the ALPS/HULL ISFEM and design formula method
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This study compares the Residual ultimate longitudinal strength ? grounding Damage index (R-D) diagrams produced by two analysis methods: the ALPS/HULL Intelligent Supersize Finite Element Method (ISFEM) and the design formula (modified Paik and Mansour) method ? used to assess the safety of damaged ships. The comparison includes four types of double-hull oil tankers: Panamax, Aframax, Suezmax and VLCC. The R-D diagrams were calculated for a series of 50 grounding scenarios. The diagrams were efficiently sampled using the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) technique and comprehensively analysed based on ship size. Finally, the two methods were compared by statistically analysing the differences between their grounding damage indices and ultimate longitudinal strength predictions. The findings provide a useful example of how to apply the ultimate longitudinal strength analysis method to grounded ships.

Grounding damage , R-D diagram , Residual ultimate longitudinal strength , Grounding damage index , Double hull oil tankers.
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이미지 / 테이블
  • [ Table 1 ]  The main differences between previous studies and the present study.
    The main differences between previous studies and the present study.
  • [ Fig. 1 ]  The general procedure for the development of the R-D diagram (Paik et al., 2012).
    The general procedure for the development of the R-D diagram (Paik et al., 2012).
  • [ Fig. 2 ]  Nomenclature for blunt and sharp rock shapes (Paik et al., 2012).
    Nomenclature for blunt and sharp rock shapes (Paik et al., 2012).
  • [ Fig. 3(a) ]  Probability density distribution of the location of grounding damage (p1) in the direction of the ship’s breadth, normalised by ship breadth (IMO, 2003).
    Probability density distribution of the location of grounding damage (p1) in the direction of the ship’s breadth, normalised by ship breadth (IMO, 2003).
  • [ Fig. 3(b)-2 ]  Probability density distribution of the height of grounding damage (p2), normalised by ship depth (IMO, 2003).
    Probability density distribution of the height of grounding damage (p2), normalised by ship depth (IMO, 2003).
  • [ Fig. 3(c)-1 ]  Probability density distribution of the breadth of grounding damage (p3), normalised by ship breadth (IMO, 2003).
    Probability density distribution of the breadth of grounding damage (p3), normalised by ship breadth (IMO, 2003).
  • [ Fig. 3(d)-3 ]  Probability density distribution of the assumed angle of the rock (p4) (Paik et al., 2012).
    Probability density distribution of the assumed angle of the rock (p4) (Paik et al., 2012).
  • [ Table 2 ]  Cross-sectional data of target structures.
    Cross-sectional data of target structures.
  • [ Fig. 4 ]  Configuration of the mid-ship sections of four types of double-hull oil tankers and their principal dimensions (Kim et al., 2012c).
    Configuration of the mid-ship sections of four types of double-hull oil tankers and their principal dimensions (Kim et al., 2012c).
  • [ Fig. 5 ]  Design formula (modified P-M) models assembled using the plate-stiffener combination (PSC) models for the four types of double-hull oil tankers (Paik et al., 2013).
    Design formula (modified P-M) models assembled using the plate-stiffener combination (PSC) models for the four types of double-hull oil tankers (Paik et al., 2013).
  • [ Fig. 6 ]  Intelligent-supersize FEM (ALPS/HULL) models for the four types of double-hull oil tankers (ALPS/HULL, 2012).
    Intelligent-supersize FEM (ALPS/HULL) models for the four types of double-hull oil tankers (ALPS/HULL, 2012).
  • [ Fig. 7 ]  Schematic view of presumed stress distribution-based method (Hughes and Paik, 2010).
    Schematic view of presumed stress distribution-based method (Hughes and Paik, 2010).
  • [ Fig. 8 ]  Previous benchmark result for a typical double-hull VLCC as illustrated in Fig. 4(d) (Paik et al., 2013).
    Previous benchmark result for a typical double-hull VLCC as illustrated in Fig. 4(d) (Paik et al., 2013).
  • [ Fig. 9 ]  Variation in the ultimate longitudinal strength of a Panamax class double-hull oil tanker with the amount of grounding damage to the outer and inner bottom.
    Variation in the ultimate longitudinal strength of a Panamax class double-hull oil tanker with the amount of grounding damage to the outer and inner bottom.
  • [ Fig. 10 ]  Variation in the ultimate longitudinal strength of an Aframax class double-hull oil tanker with the amount of grounding damage to the outer and inner bottom.
    Variation in the ultimate longitudinal strength of an Aframax class double-hull oil tanker with the amount of grounding damage to the outer and inner bottom.
  • [ Fig. 11 ]  Variation in the ultimate longitudinal strength of a Suezmax class double-hull oil tanker with the amount of grounding damage to the outer and inner bottom.
    Variation in the ultimate longitudinal strength of a Suezmax class double-hull oil tanker with the amount of grounding damage to the outer and inner bottom.
  • [ Fig. 12 ]  Variation in the ultimate longitudinal strength of a VLCC class double-hull oil tanker with the amount of grounding damage to the outer and inner bottom.
    Variation in the ultimate longitudinal strength of a VLCC class double-hull oil tanker with the amount of grounding damage to the outer and inner bottom.
  • [ Table 3 ]  Comparison of correction factors.
    Comparison of correction factors.
  • [ Table 4 ]  The four grounding damage parameters for 50 grounding damage scenarios (Paik et al., 2012).
    The four grounding damage parameters for 50 grounding damage scenarios (Paik et al., 2012).
  • [ Fig. 13 ]  The R-D diagrams for the double-hull oil tanker.
    The R-D diagrams for the double-hull oil tanker.
  • [ Fig. 14 ]  The obtained R-D diagrams for the double-hull oil tankers under the hogging bending moment.
    The obtained R-D diagrams for the double-hull oil tankers under the hogging bending moment.
  • [ Fig. 15 ]  The obtained R-D diagrams for the double-hull oil tankers under the sagging bending moment.
    The obtained R-D diagrams for the double-hull oil tankers under the sagging bending moment.
  • [ Fig. 16 ]  Comparison between the R-D diagrams for double-hull oil tankers produced by the intelligent-supersize FEM (ALPS/HULL) and those produced by the design formula (modified P-M) method.
    Comparison between the R-D diagrams for double-hull oil tankers produced by the intelligent-supersize FEM (ALPS/HULL) and those produced by the design formula (modified P-M) method.
  • [ Fig. 17 ]  The deviation between the grounding damage indices (GDI) obtained by the design formula method and the intelligent-supersize FEM.
    The deviation between the grounding damage indices (GDI) obtained by the design formula method and the intelligent-supersize FEM.
  • [ Fig. 18 ]  The deviation between the residual ultimate longitudinal strength analysed by the design formula method and the intelligent-supersize FEM.
    The deviation between the residual ultimate longitudinal strength analysed by the design formula method and the intelligent-supersize FEM.
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