Previously, Park et al. (2005) defined an intuitionistic fuzzy metric space and studied several fixed-point theories in this space. This paper provides definitions and describe the properties of type(β) compatible mappings, and prove some common fixed points for four self-mappings that are compatible with type(β) in an intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. This paper also presents an example of a common fixed point that satisfies the conditions of Theorem 4.1 in an intuitionistic fuzzy metric space.
Grabiec [1] demonstrated the Banach contraction theorem in the fuzzy metric spaces introduced by Kramosil and Michalek [2]. Park [3-5], Park and Kim [6] also proved a fixed-point theorem in a fuzzy metric space.
Recently, Park et al. [7] defined an intuitionistic fuzzy metric space while Park et al. [8] proved a fixed-point Banach theorem for the contractive mapping of a complete intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. Park et al. [9] defined a type(
This paper proves some common fixed points for four self-mappings that satisfy type(
First, some definitions and properties of the intuitionistic fuzzy metric space
Let us recall ([11]) that a continuous
Similarly, a continuous
[12] The 5?tuple (
(a) M(x, y, t) > 0,
(b) M(x, y, t) = 1 ⇔ x = y,
(c) M(x, y, t) = M(y, x, t),
(d) M(x, y, t) * M(y, z, s) ≤ M(x, z, t + s),
(e) M(x, y, ?) : (0,∞) → (0, 1] is continuous,
(f) N(x, y, t) > 0,
(g) N(x, y, t) = 0 ⇔ x = y,
(h) N(x, y, t) = N(y, x, t),
(i) N(x, y, t) ? N(y, z, s) ≥ N(x, z, t + s),
(j) N(x, y, ?) : (0,∞) → (0, 1] is continuous.
Note that (
[13] Let (
[13] Let
(a) {
for all
(b) {
for all
In this paper,
for all
[6] Let {
for all
[14] Let
M(x, y, kt) ≥ M(x, y, t),
N(x, y, kt) ≤ N(x, y, t),
3. Properties of type(β) compatible mappings and an example
This section introduces type(
[14] Let
for all
([10]) Let
for all
[10] Let
[10] Let
[10] Let
(a)limn→∞ BBxn = Ax if A is continuous at x ∈ X,
(b)limn→∞ AAxn = Bx if B is continuous at x ∈ X,
(c)ABx = BAx and Ax = Bx if A and B are continuous at x ∈ X.
for all
Next, we have lim
This section proves the main theorem and presents an example using the given conditions in an intuitionistic fuzzy metric space.
(a) AT(X) ∪ BS(X) ⊂ ST(X);
(b) there exists k ∈ (0, 1) so for all x, y ∈ X and t > 0,
M2(Ax,By,kt) * [M(Sx, Ax, kt)M(Ty,By, kt)]
*M2(Ty,By, kt) + aM(Ty,By, kt)M(Sx,By, 2kt)
≥ [pM(Sx, Ax, t) + qM(Sx, Ty, t)]M(Sx,By, 2kt),
N2(Ax,By,kt) ? [N(Sx, Ax, kt)N(Ty,By, kt)] ?N2(Ty,By, kt) + aM(Ty,By, kt)N(Sx,By, 2kt) ≤ [pN(Sx, Ax, t) + qN(Sx, Ty, t)]N(Sx,By, 2kt),
where 0 <
(c) S and T are continuous and ST = TS;
(d) the pairs (A, S) and (B, T) are type(β) compatible.
M2(ATx2n,BSx2n+1, kt) * [M(STx2n, ATx2n, kt) ×M(TSx2n+1,BSx2n+1, kt)] *M2(TSx2n+1, BSx2n+1, kt) + aM(TSx2n+1,BSx2n+1, kt) ×M(STx2n,BSx2n+1, 2kt) ≥ [pM(STx2n+1, ATx2n, t) +qM(STx2n, TSx2n+1, t)] ×M(STx2n,BSx2n+1, 2kt),
N2(ATx2n,BSx2n+1, kt) ? [N(STx2n, ATx2n, kt) ×N(TSx2n+1,BSx2n+1, kt)] ? N2(TSx2n+1, BSx2n+1, kt) + aN(TSx2n+1,BSx2n+1, kt) ×N(STx2n,BSx2n+1, 2kt) ≤ [pN(STx2n+1, ATx2n, t) +qN(STx2n, TSx2n+1, t)] ×N(STx2n,BSx2n+1, 2kt)
M2(STx2n+1, STx2n+2, kt) * [M(z2n, STx2n+1, kt) ×M(z2n+1, STx2n+2, kt)] *M2(z2n+1, STx2n+2, kt) +aM(z2n+1, STx2n+2, kt)M(z2n, STx2n+2, 2kt) ≥ [pM(z2n, STx2n+1, t) + qM(z2n, z2n+1, t)] ×M(z2n, STx2n+2, 2kt),
N2(STx2n+1, STx2n+2, kt) ? [N(z2n, STx2n+1, kt) ×N(z2n+1, STx2n+2, kt)] ? N2(z2n+1, STx2n+2, kt) +aN(z2n+1, STx2n+2, kt)N(z2n, STx2n+2, 2kt) ≤ [pN(z2n, STx2n+1, t) + qN(z2n, z2n+1, t)] ×N(z2n, STx2n+2, 2kt).
M2(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt) *[M(z2n, z2n+1, kt)M(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt)] +aM(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt)M(z2n, z2n+2, 2kt) ≥ [p + q]M(z2n, z2n+1, t)M(z2n, z2n+2, 2kt),
N2(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt) ?[N(z2n, z2n+1, kt)N(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt)] +aN(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt)N(z2n, z2n+2, 2kt) ≤ [p + q]N(z2n, z2n+1, t)N(z2n, z2n+2, 2kt),
M2(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt)M(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt)] +aM(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt)M(z2n, z2n+2, 2kt) ≥ [p + q]M(z2n, z2n+1, t)M(z2n, z2n+2, 2kt),
N2(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt)N(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt)] +aN(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt)N(z2n, z2n+2, 2kt) ≤ [p + q]N(z2n, z2n+1, t)N(z2n, z2n+2, 2kt).
Therefore, it follows that
z2n+1M(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt) ≥ M(z2n, z2n+1, t),
N(z2n+1, z2n+2, kt) ≤ N(z2n, z2n+1, t)
for all
M(zm+1, zm+2, kt) ≥ M(zm, zm+1, t),
N(zm+1, zm+2, kt) ≤ N(zm, zm+1, t)
Thus, {
M(AAy2n, SSy2n, t) → 1,
M(BBu2n+1, TT2n+1, t) → 1,
N(AAy2n, SSy2n, t) → 0,
N(BBu2n+1, TT2n+1, t) → 0
Next, by taking
M2(z, Tz, kt) * [M(z, z, kt)M(Tz, Tz, kt)] *M2(Tz, Tz, kt) + aM(Tz, Tz, kt)M(z, Tz, 2kt) ≥ [pM(z, z, t) + qM(z, Tz, t)]M(z, Tz, 2kt),
N2(z, Tz, kt) ? [N(z, z, kt)N(Tz, Tz, kt)] ?N2(Tz, Tz, kt) + aN(Tz, Tz, kt)N(z, Tz, 2kt) ≤ [pN(z, z, t) + qN(z, Tz, t)]N(z, Tz, 2kt),
M2(z, Tz, kt) + aM(z, Tz, 2kt) ≥ [p + qM(z, Tz, t)]M(z, Tz, 2kt), N2(z, Tz, kt) ≤ qN(z, Tz, t)N(z, Tz, 2kt).
M(z, Tz, kt) + a ≥ p + qM(z, Tz, t),
N(z, Tz, kt) ≤ qN(z, Tz, t)
Next, by taking
M(z,Bz, kt) *M(z,Bz, kt) +aM(z,Bz, kt)M(z,Bz, 2kt) ≥ (p + q)M(z,Bz, 2kt),
N(z,Bz, kt) ? N(z,Bz, kt) +aN(z,Bz, kt)N(z,Bz, 2kt) ≤ 0.
M(z,Bz, kt) + aM(z,Bz, kt) ≥ p + q,
N(z,Bz, kt) + aN(z,Bz, kt) ≤ 0.
M(z,Bz, kt) ≥ 1,
N(z,Bz, kt) ≤ 0
for all
Using condition (b), we have
M2(z,w, kt) * [M(z, z, kt)M(w,w, kt)] *M2(w,w, kt) + aM(w,w, kt)M(z,w, 2kt) ≥ [pM(z, z, t) + qM(z,w, t)]M(z,w, 2kt),
N2(z,w, kt) ? [N(z, z, kt)N(w,w, kt)] ?N2(w,w, kt) + aN(w,w, kt)N(z,w, 2kt) ≤ [pN(z, z, t) + qN(z,w, t)]M(z,w, 2kt).
M2(z,w, kt) +M(z,w, 2kt) ≥ (p + qM(z,w, t))M(z,w, 2kt), N2(z,w, kt) ≤ qM(z,w, t)M(z,w, 2kt),
M(z,w, kt) ≤ M(z,w, 2kt),
N(z,w, kt) ≥ N(z,w, 2kt),
(e) A(X) ⊂ S(X),
(f) there exists k ∈ (0,1) so for all x, y ∈ X and t > 0,
M2(Ax, Ay, kt) * [M(Sx, Ax, kt)M(Sy, Ay, kt)] M2(Sy, Ay, kt) + aM(Sy, Ay, kt)M(Sx, Ay, 2kt) ≥ [pM(Sx, Ax, t) + qM(Sx, Sy, t)]M(Sx, Ay, 2kt),
N2(Ax, Ay, kt) ? [N(Sx, Ax, kt)N(Sy, Ay, kt)kt)] ?N2(Sy, Ay, kt) + aM(Sy, Ay, kt)N(Sx, Ay, 2kt) ≤ [pN(Sx, Ax, t) + qN(Sx, Sy, t)]N(Sx, Ay, 2kt),
where 0 <
(g) S is continuous,
(h) A and S are type(β) compatible.
with the metric
for all
for all
M(0,B0, kt) + aM(0,B0, kt) ≥ p + q,
N(0,B0, kt) + aN(0,B0, kt) ≤ 0.
Let w be another common fixed point of
M2(0,w,kt) +M(0,w, 2kt) ≥ (p + qM(0,w,t))M(0,w,2kt),
M2(0,w, kt) ≤ qM(0,w, t)M(0,w, 2kt).
Therefore, because
M(0,w, kt) ≤ M(0,w, 2kt),
N(0,w, kt) ≥ N(0,w, 2kt),
Therefore, 0 =
Park et al. [7] defined an intuitionistic fuzzy metric space and Park et al. [8] proved a fixed-point Banach theorem for the contractive mapping of a complete intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. Park et al. [9] defined a type(
This paper attempted to develop a method to provide a proof based on the fundamental concepts and properties defined in the new space. I think that the results of this paper will be extended to the intuitionistic M-fuzzy metric space and other spaces. Further research should be conducted to determine how to combine the collaborative learning algorithm with our proof method in the future.