A recent study on the mitochondrial genetic variation of the Carassius auratus population in South Korea suggested that there are 3 distinct mitochondrial lineages in the country, and that they are geographically separated between westward rivers and southward rivers, respectively. In this study, the population genetic structure of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) of Carassius auratus was investigated. The results of analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) supported the geographic distinction between westward and southward river populations, but only 3.66% of total genetic variance lies among these populations. The panmicticity of the AFLP genetic variation is backed up by the results of the neighbor-joining dendrogram drawn from a linearized pairwise FST matrix and Bayesian clustering analysis. The discordance of genetic structure between mitochondrial and AFLP genetic variation may come from difference in effective population size between these markers and/or gene flow between westward and southward river populations through river capture events.
However, further information has come to light in a more recent study of mitochondrial genetic variation of
Although mitochondrial genetic studies provide us with valuable information for understanding
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) may be appropriate for this group of animals. It is easy to implement, doesn’t need prior knowledge of genomes, and has good reproducibility. Hence, it has been very popular in its application to population genetics (e.g., Bensch and Akesson, 2005; Meudt and Clarke, 2007). As AFLP does not consider ploidy level, it is especially useful for organisms with complicated ploidy levels.
In this study, we analyzed the genetic structure of Korean
We collected 121 individuals of
The AFLP methods used in this study were those of Jung et al. (2006, 2010). Total genomic DNAs were digested using a restriction enzyme mixture for 1 h at 37℃, followed by additional 3 h of digestion at 16℃. After inactivation of
[Table 1.] Information of sampling locations
Information of sampling locations
restriction enzymes,
the sticky ends of the restriction fragments using T4 DNA ligase. Pre-amplification was conducted using two AFLP primers (ECO-A and MSE-A) (see Jung et al. [2006, 2010] for detailed information of reaction mixtures and experimental conditions). In selective amplification, ECO-AGG and MSE-AXX primers were used. ECO-AGG was labeled with fluorescent dye, 6FAM, and three types of MSE-AXX?MSE-ACC, MSE-ACG, and MSE-AGG?were prepared. The composition of the PCR reaction mixture was identical to that employed in pre-amplification, except that a 20-fold diluted pre-amplification PCR product was utilized as the template. All the PCR amplifications were performed on a GeneAmp 9700 machine (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). The selective amplification products were determined using a Genetic Analyzer 3730 (Applied Biosystems), and the band size and genotype were determined using the GENEMAPPER 4.0 (Applied Biosystems).
We evaluated independence among the polymorphic loci and then eliminated redundant loci by using AFLPOP (Duchesne and Bernatchez, 2002). Pairwise difference among individuals within population, implicating genetic variation within population, was determined by using ARLEQUIN 3.11 (Excoffier et al., 2005). With the same software, pairwise FST values between local populations were calculated. Then these values were linearized with Slatkin’s transformation (FST/(1-FST)). A neighbor-joining dendrogram denoting the genetic relationship among populations was determined from a matrix of linearized pairwise FST values by using MEGA 5.0 (Tamura et al., 2011). Analysis of molecular
[Table 2.] Results of analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA)
Results of analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA)
variance (AMOVA) (Weir and Cockerham, 1984) was performed by using ARLEQUIN 3.11 (Excoffier et al., 2005) with various combinations of river systems (see Table 2). Bayesian clustering of individuals based on their AFLP genotypes was determined by using STRUCTURAMA (Huelsenbeck et al., 2011). The number of populations and the expected prior number of populations were randomly drawn from gamma distribution (parameter setting: shape, 1; scale, 1). Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation was executed for 30,000 steps of Markov chain, and simulated parameters were sampled every 100 steps. After MCMC simulation, sampled parameters were summarized and individuals were assigned to populations.
AFLP analysis on 142 individuals of
analysis supported that there is one population of
A recent study on the mitochondrial genetic variation of the Korean
However, other results, such as those of the genetic relationship among populations and Bayesian clustering analysis implicate that the Korean
Considering that almost AFLP loci are located in the nuclear region, it is probable that mitochondrial genetic structure discords with genetic structure inferred from AFLP data. This discordance may be explained by two points. First, differences in the rate of lineage sorting can make this pattern. Lineage sorting must have worked on
Compared to the results of mitochondrial genetic data, those of AFLP seem to complicate our understanding of the history and taxonomy of Korean