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A New Record of Perixera punctata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) from Korea
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A sterrhine species, Perixera punctata (Warren) is reported for the first time from Korea. One male and one female were collected from Jeju Island, South Korea. Perixera punctata can be distinguished by the long bipectinate male antennae, the blackish discal dot and a large dark grayish dot on the subcosta of the forewings and a large dark brownish discal dot and blackish undulating postmedial line on the hindwings. In the male genitalia, a long slender valva with two arm-shaped costal processes is a distinguishing character. In the female genitalia, long and medially twisted ductus bursae with a colliculum, and large, ovate corpus bursae with minute dots are distinguishing characters. Diagnosis and description of the species are given with figures of the male and female genitalia.

Lepidoptera , Geometridae , Sterrhinae , Perixera punctata , taxonomy , Korea

    The genus Perixera Meyrick was designated based on Peri-xera prionodes Meyrick as the type species and comprises about 80 species mostly from Indo-Australian region (Hollo-way, 1997; Scoble, 1999). The species of Perixera show vari-able wing pattern and relatively delicate fascination and they are distinguished from Anisodes Guenee (a junior synonym of Cyclophora Hubner) by a pair of coremata on the fourth sternite, the coremata between the eighth sternite and the genitalia, a convolute aedeagus apex, the convolution involv-ing the insertion of the ductus ejaculatorius, broad uncus with bifid or serrate, a broad and well developed costal process of valva, often bilaterally asymmetric, the weak or vestigial saccular process and shortening of the hind tibia (Holloway, 1997).

    The present study describes a sterrhine species, Perixera punctata (Warren), for the first time in Korea. Two specimens were collected at the southern slope of Mt. Halla-san, Jeju-do. Examination of adults including the male and female gen-italia refers to Scoble (1992). Abbreviations are as follows: TL, type locality; JJ, Province Jeju-do.


    Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758

    Family Geometridae Stephens, 1829

    Subfamily Sterrhinae Meyrick, 1892

    Genus Perixera Meyrick, 1886

    1*Perixera punctata (Warren, 1897) (Figs. 1, 2)

    Pisoraca punctata Warren, 1897: 22 (TL: North Queensland).

    Anisodes punctata interpolis Prout, 1938: 166, pl. 19: a (TL: [Sulawesi] Paloe, Tompoe, 2,700 ft; Rangkoenau, 1,800 ft).

    Perixera punctata calciphila Holloway, 1997: 59 (TL: Sara-wak; Gunung Mulu National Park, G. Api Pinnacles, 1,200 m).

    Material examined. Korea: [JJ]: 1♂, Seogwipo-si, Tamna Univ. Campus, 33 ? 8?19.99?N, 126 ?34?09.20?E, 16 Jul 2010, Kim SS; 1♀, Seogwipo-si, Natural Recreation Forest, 28 Sep 2003, Kim SS.

    Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished by the bipecti-nate male antennae with long rami, broad, trapezoidal, whit-ish frons, long and laterally reddish labial palpi, reddish fore-leg and midlegs, whitish body, light brownish forewings with blackish discal dot, a relatively large dark grayish dot on the subcosta between the postmedian and subtermen and black-ish dots along the postmedial line and light brownish hind-wings with a large dark brownish discal dot and blackish un-dulating postmedial line. In Korea, this species is externally similar to Organopoda carnearia (Walker), but can be distin-guished based on the bipectinate male antennae, light brown-ish and shorter wingspan and the dark brownish dot on the

    subcostal of the forewing. The male genitalia can be distin-guished by the missing uncus, short tegumen and long slen-der valva with two arm-shaped medially bent costal process-es, one digitate process apically expanded and another pro-cess apically hairy. The female genitalia can be distinguish-ed by the minute anterior apophyses, long posterior apophy-ses, narrow antrum, long and medially twisted ductus bursae with a colliculum, and large, ovate corpus bursae of which the inner wall is covered with minute dots at larger areas.

    Description (Fig. 1). Wingspan 19-21 mm. Antennae in male bipectinate with long rami, female filiform; frons broad, tra-pezoidal, covered with whitish scales; labial palpi long, almost three times of eye diameter, projected forward, laterally red-dish. Body covered with whitish scales. Legs reddish or dark ochreous and white mixed scales. Forewing ground color light brown; basal line light blackish, projected at middle; discal dot blackish; postmedial line dark grayish, undulating; a relatively large dark grayish dot on subcosta between post-median and subtermen; subtermen with blackish dots along postmedian; termen with black dots along terminal line; sin-gle areole. Hindwing ground color light brown; basal line blackish, weakly appearing; discal dot large dark brownish; postmedial line blackish, undulating; termen with a blackish undulating terminal line.

    Male genitalia (Fig. 2A, B): Abdominal segment A4 and A8 simple, broad without modification. Uncus absent; tegumen triangular, short, about one third of vinculum; transtilla sim-ple, membranous; juxta broad; saccus broad, bridge-shaped. Valva long, slender; costa with two arm-shaped process, a ventral process medially bent and apically strongly expanded, a dorsal process medially bent and apically hairy; sacculus short, weakly sclerotized, dorsal margin with minute hairs. Aedeagus slender, distally sclerotized; vesica membranous, tubular; cornutus a minute process.

    Female genitalia (Fig. 2C): Papillae anales projected. An-terior apophyses minute, posterior apophyses very long. An-trum narrow and membranous; ductus bursae long, narrow, twisted medially, colliculum present; corpus bursae large, ovate, membranous, inner wall largely covered with minute dots.

    Distribution. Korea, China (Hong Kong), Mindanao, Borneo, Sulawesi, New Guinea, and Queensland.

  • 1. Holloway JD 1997 The moths of Borneo part 10. Geometridae Sterrhinae Larentiinae addenda to other subfamilies. [Mal-yan Nature Journal] Vol.51 P.1-242 google
  • 2. Prout LB 1938 Die Indoaustralischen Spanner. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge des Indoaustralischen Faunengebietes. Bd.12. (Ed. Seitz A). P.166 google
  • 3. Scoble MJ 1992 The Lepidoptera form function and diversity. P.1-404 google
  • 4. Scoble MJ 1999 Geometrid moths of the world: a catalogue (Lepidoptera Geometridae). Vol. 2. P.714-718 google
  • 5. Warren W 1897 New genera and species of moths from the Old-world regions in the Tring Museum. [Novitates Zoologi-cae] Vol.4 P.12-130 google
이미지 / 테이블
  • [ Fig. 1. ]  Adult of Perixera punctata (Warren) from Korea.
    Adult of Perixera punctata (Warren) from Korea.
  • [ Fig. 2. ]  Male and female genitalia of Perixera punctata (Warren) from Korea. A Male genital capsule; B Aedeagus; C Femalegenitalia.
    Male and female genitalia of Perixera punctata (Warren) from Korea. A Male genital capsule; B Aedeagus; C Femalegenitalia.
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