This study dealt with cumacean specimens collected from the shallow waters of the South Sea and East Sea, Korea. Campylaspis fusiformis Gamo, 1960 belonging to the family Nannastacidae is newly recorded to Korean fauna. This species resembles C. pumila and C. striata in having a similar body form and a pair of narrow lateral sulcuses on the carapace, but it is easily distinguished from them by the dactylus of the pereopod 2 which is more than 3.5 times the length of the propodus and bears many setae (about 20) on the surface. This species mainly occurs in the Korean and Japanese waters.
The genus
A light-trap was used to collect specimens from the shal-low waters of the South sea and East sea of Korea between 1994-2001. Drawings and measurements were performed with the aid of a drawing tube equipped on a light micro-scope. Body length was measured from the anterior tip of the carapace to the posterior end of the last abdominal segment. Lengths of appendages were measured along the mid-line of each appendage, exclusive of the inflated outer angle.
Order Cumacea Kroyer, 1846
Family Nannastacidae Bate, 1866
Genus Campylaspis Sars, 1865
1*Campylaspis fusiformis Gamo, 1960 (Figs. 1, 2)
Material examined. Korea: Gangwon-do: 1♂, Samcheok-si, Samcheok Port, 6 Aug 1994, Kang BJ; 1♂, Donghae-si, Donghae Port, 21 Aug 2001, Lee CM; Jeollanam-do: 1♂, Wando-gun, Isl. Cheongsando, 21 Aug 2001, Lee CM.
Male: Body (Fig. 1A) calcified, 3.7 mm in length, exclud-ing uropods, Carapace (Fig. 1A-C) vaulted, slightly longer than 1/3 body length, 1.6 times longer than wide, 2.3 times longer than deep, with 8-10 pairs of pellucid spots on antero-dorsal portion, 1 pair of narrow sulcus on lateral portion; sur-face faintly pitted; antennal notch shallowly concave, antero-lateral corner obtuse and smooth; pseudorostral lobes not truncate, subequal to length of ocular lobe; ocular lobe round, with 3 lenses.
Antenna 1 (Fig. 1D). Peduncle 3-articulated; first article
slightly longer than second one, with 1 simple and 1 plu-mose setae near inner corner; second article with 2 simple and 2 sensory setae near distal margin; third article slightly shorter than second one, with 1 sensory seta on inner cor-ner. Main flagellum 4-articulated; third article very long, with 1 short seta and 1 aesthetasc near distal margin; fourth arti-cle subequal to 1/4 length of third one, with 1 aesthetasc, 1 sensory and 2 long simple setae near terminal margin. Acce-ssory flagellum uniarticulated, slightly longer than fourth article of main flagellum, with 3 simple and 2 sensory setae.
Antenna 2 (Fig. 1A, E) very long, extending beyond uro-podal peduncle. Peduncle 4-articulated; third article with 1 short sensory seta and 9 rows of long sensory setae on sur-face; last article with 3 short sensory setae and 10 rows of long sensory setae on surface.
Thorax (Fig. 1A) 0.55 times as long as carapace length and slightly longer than 1/5 body length. Abdomen 0.6 times as long as cephalothorax length.
Maxilliped 2 (Fig. 1F). Basis two times longer than wide, with 1 strong pappose seta on inner corner; dactylus with 3 spiniform setae on terminal margin.
Maxilliped 3 (Fig. 1G). Basis slightly longer than remain-ing articles combined, with numerous hair-like setae on inner margin, 2 plumose setae on inner corner, 2 plumose setae and 1 short simple seta on outer corner; merus with several teeth and 8-9 simple setae on inner margin.
Pereopod 1 (Fig. 1H). Basis 1.12 times as long as remain-ing articles combined, with 2 plumose setae distally on inner margin, 2 short simple setae distally on outer margin; car-pus 0.9 times as long as propodus, with 2 plumose, 3 short simple setae on inner margin, 2 plumose setae on outer mar-gin.
Pereopod 2 (Fig. 2A). Basis 0.75 times as long as remain-ing articles combined, with 1 plumose seta on inner corner, 2 short simple setae on outer margin distally; dactylus 3.8 times as long as propodus, with 10 simple setae on inner margin, 6 simple setae on outer margin, terminal margin pointed, with 1 short and 3 long simple setae.
Pereopod 3 (Fig. 2B). Basis 1.7 times as long as remain-ing articles combined.
Pereopod 4 (Fig. 2C). Basis 1.25 times as long as remain-ing articles combined.
Pereopod 5 (Fig. 2D). Basis 0.7 times as long as remain-ing articles combined.
Uropod (Fig. 2E). Peduncle 2.7 times as long as pleonite 6, with 2 plumose and 6 pectinated setae on inner margin; endo-pod uniarticulated, 0.6 times as long as peduncle length; in-ner margin serrated, with numerous hair-like setae, 9 spini-form setae; outer margin with 12 short sensory setae; termi-nal margin with 1 short simple seta, 2 pectinated setae; exo-pod biarticulated, 0.7 times as long as endopod, with 1 pecti-nated seta on inner margin; outer margin with 3 simple setae; terminal margin with 2 pectinated setae.
Our male specimens agree well with the original descrip-tion of
Distribution. Korea (South Sea, East Sea) and Japan.
Korean name: 1*고랑꼬마올챙이새우(신칭)