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Redescription of Two Urostylid Ciliates (Ciliophora: Urostylida), Anteholosticha pulchra and Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae from Korea
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Two urostylid ciliates, Anteholosticha pulchra (Kahl, 1932) Berger, 2003 and Metaurostylopsis struederkyp-keae Shao et al., 2008, new to Korea, were collected from the Yellow Sea and the East Sea, Korea, respec-tively. They were identified based on live observation and protargol impregnation. Taxonomical characters of A. pulchra are as follows: 190-300×30-55 μm size in vivo; contractile vacuole located on the left side of the posterior 1/4 of the cell; spherical-reddish granules at cirral bases and around dorsal bristles, somewhat sparsely distributed throughout the cell surface; four frontal and two frontoterminal cirri; four dorsal kineties;caudal cirri absent. Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae is characterized as follows: 80-110×40-50 μm size in vivo; caudal cirri absent; two types of cortical granules: type 1, yellow-green arranged along the ventral cirral rows and dorsal kineties; type 2, small and reddish, with an irregular arrangement; four frontal, four to eight frontoterminal, and two to six transverse cirri; five to seven left and three to five right marginal rows. Sequences of small subunit ribosomal DNA were determined from both species, and pairwise distances with their relatives were analyzed.

Anteholosticha pulchra , Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae , urostylid ciliate , marine , Korea
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이미지 / 테이블
  • [ Table 1. ]  Comparison of morphometric data from Anteholosticha pulchra with Li et al. (2007)
    Comparison of morphometric data from Anteholosticha pulchra with Li et al. (2007)
  • [ Fig. 1. ]  Morphology of Anteholosticha pulchra and Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae from live (A-C F-J) and protargol impregnated (D E K L) specimens. A-E Anteholosticha pulchra: A Ventral view of live contractile vacuole (arrow); B C Pattern of cortical granules in dorsal and ventral views reddish cortical granules (arrow); D E Cirral base in ventral and dorsal views from protargol impregnation; F-L Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae: F Ventral view of live contractile vacuole (arrow); G H Ventral and dorsal views yellow-green cortical granules (arrow) small reddish cortical granules (arrowhead); I J Ventral and dorsal views which show the arrangement of yellow-green cortical granules; K L Cirral base on ventral and dorsal views with protargol impregnation. AZM adoral zone of membranelles; BC buccal cirrus; DK dorsal kineties; EM endoral membrane; FC frontal cirri; FTC frontoterminal cirri; LMR left marginal row; Ma macronuclear nodules; MP midventral pairs; MVR midventral row; PM paroral membrane; RMRright marginal row; TC transverse cirri. Scale bars: A-E=100 μm F-L=50 μm.
    Morphology of Anteholosticha pulchra and Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae from live (A-C F-J) and protargol impregnated (D E K L) specimens. A-E Anteholosticha pulchra: A Ventral view of live contractile vacuole (arrow); B C Pattern of cortical granules in dorsal and ventral views reddish cortical granules (arrow); D E Cirral base in ventral and dorsal views from protargol impregnation; F-L Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae: F Ventral view of live contractile vacuole (arrow); G H Ventral and dorsal views yellow-green cortical granules (arrow) small reddish cortical granules (arrowhead); I J Ventral and dorsal views which show the arrangement of yellow-green cortical granules; K L Cirral base on ventral and dorsal views with protargol impregnation. AZM adoral zone of membranelles; BC buccal cirrus; DK dorsal kineties; EM endoral membrane; FC frontal cirri; FTC frontoterminal cirri; LMR left marginal row; Ma macronuclear nodules; MP midventral pairs; MVR midventral row; PM paroral membrane; RMRright marginal row; TC transverse cirri. Scale bars: A-E=100 μm F-L=50 μm.
  • [ Fig. 2. ]  Micrographs of Anteholosticha pulchra from live (A-E) and protargol impregnated (F-L) specimens. A B Live ventral (A) anddorsal (B) view arrangement of cortical granules (arrowhead); C Ventral view contractile vacuole (arrow); D Dorsal view reddishcortical granules (arrow); E Live ventral view of transverse cirri; F G Dorsal and ventral views of protargol-impregnated specimen; H Ventral view the frontal (arrows) and frontoterminal (arrowhead) cirri; I Buccal cirri (arrow); J Ventral view the transversecirri; K Dorsal view the dorsal kineties typically four; L Macronuclear nodules (arrow). Scale bars: A B F G=100 μm.
    Micrographs of Anteholosticha pulchra from live (A-E) and protargol impregnated (F-L) specimens. A B Live ventral (A) anddorsal (B) view arrangement of cortical granules (arrowhead); C Ventral view contractile vacuole (arrow); D Dorsal view reddishcortical granules (arrow); E Live ventral view of transverse cirri; F G Dorsal and ventral views of protargol-impregnated specimen; H Ventral view the frontal (arrows) and frontoterminal (arrowhead) cirri; I Buccal cirri (arrow); J Ventral view the transversecirri; K Dorsal view the dorsal kineties typically four; L Macronuclear nodules (arrow). Scale bars: A B F G=100 μm.
  • [ Table 2. ]  Comparison of morphometric data from Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae with Shao et al. (2008)
    Comparison of morphometric data from Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae with Shao et al. (2008)
  • [ Fig. 3. ]  Micrographs of Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae from live (A-D) and protargol impregnated (E-H) specimen. A B Live ven-traland dorsal views; C Contractile vacuole (arrow); D Yellow-green cortical granules (arrow) small reddish cortical granules (arrow-head); E Ventral view of protargol-impregnated specimen; F Ventral view left and right marginal rows; G Dorsal view typicallythree dorsal kineties (arrows) and two dikinetids (arrowheads); H Frontoterminal (arrow) and buccal (arrowhead) cirri. Scale bars: A-C E=50 ㎛.
    Micrographs of Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae from live (A-D) and protargol impregnated (E-H) specimen. A B Live ven-traland dorsal views; C Contractile vacuole (arrow); D Yellow-green cortical granules (arrow) small reddish cortical granules (arrow-head); E Ventral view of protargol-impregnated specimen; F Ventral view left and right marginal rows; G Dorsal view typicallythree dorsal kineties (arrows) and two dikinetids (arrowheads); H Frontoterminal (arrow) and buccal (arrowhead) cirri. Scale bars: A-C E=50 ㎛.
  • [ Table 3. ]  Kimura two-parameter pairwise distances (%) among the five species in Anteholosticha-Nothoholosticha assemblage basedon small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences
    Kimura two-parameter pairwise distances (%) among the five species in Anteholosticha-Nothoholosticha assemblage basedon small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences
  • [ Table 4. ]  Kimura two-parameter pairwise distance (%) based on small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences
    Kimura two-parameter pairwise distance (%) based on small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences
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