검색 전체 메뉴
OA 학술지
Journal of Ocean & Culture  
  • 발행기관 : 국립해양박물관
  • 주제분야 : 해양
  • 언어 : 영어
  • 발행주기 : 연 회
  • 식별번호 : ISSN: 2635-9936 / DOI: 10.33522/joc
  • 학술지 홈페이지 :

Journal of Ocean & Culture is published by Korea National Maritime Museum(KNMM) and International Ocean & Culture Committee(IOCC) to establish the unique cultural value of oceanic culture, to promote mutual understanding around the world, and to create a platform where the researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students share their opinions and discussion on Ocean & Culture. Located in Busan, the Korea's largest port city, Korea National Maritime Museum which aims to promote maritime culture and ocean industry has played a leading role in the publishing of the journal. IOCC is dedicated to establish the unique cultural value of oceanic culture and to promote mutual understanding around the world.
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