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고령층의 정보활동이 삶의 행복감에 미치는 영향 분석* The Influence of Information Activities on the Feeling of Happiness for the Elderly in Korea
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고령층의 정보활동이 삶의 행복감에 미치는 영향 분석*

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of the information activities (i.e., the ability of digital device use and the time spent of information retrieval) on the feeling of happiness for the elderly people in Korea. For this study, we conducted face-to-face interview with the elderly over 60 years old living in and around Daegu, Korea and analyzed 371 valid data for frequency, multiple regression and t-test using IBM SPSS version 21.0. The results showed that neither the ability of computer nor mobile phone use affect on the feeling of happiness, whereas both the ability of TV and telephone use influence positively (+) on it. In addition, the time spent of the business-related information retrieval influences negatively (-) on the feeling of happiness, but the time spent of the financial-related information retrieval influences positively (+) on it.

고령층 , 삶의 행복감 , 정보활동 , 정보 기기 , 정보검색
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