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유비쿼터스 환경에서의 여성을 위한 도서관 정보활용교육 서비스 개발에 관한 연구* A Study on Development of Information Literacy Services in a Library for Female Users in Ubiquitous Environment
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유비쿼터스 환경에서의 여성을 위한 도서관 정보활용교육 서비스 개발에 관한 연구*

As the ubiquitous society has come, users' demand for information and education from the library has changed and finally the necessity of change in the traditional information literacy that libraries have provided is on the rise. Based on the pre-judgement that women relatively have weak access to information in the knowledge information society and are in more special environment compared to other user groups, this study aimed to suggest u-Learning information literacy service for women. To this end, literature study, case analysis and questionnaire survey were conducted so that female users' demand for information and education was understood. Based on the results of these performances above, the requirements to develop programs for information literacy education service for female and contents in addition to models were suggested.

유비쿼터스 , 정보활용교육 , 이용자교육 , 여성 , 유러닝 , 도서관 서비스
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